
FARR was fortunate enough to be invited for an Intervention Mapping training course in by Maastricht University in the Netherlands, funded by NUFFIC. Six staff members, Leana Olivier, Marica du Toit, Lian-Marie Drotsky, Chanelle Lombard and Jaco Louw were selected to take part, and travelled to Maastricht on the 4th of July. In addition to the excitement about attending the course, the team also left behind the cold winter in Cape Town for the lovely summer in the Netherlands.

The week was packed full of new information, and it seemed that everyone learnt at least one new skill every day. It was a great and stimulating course and the team are excited to put the Intervention Mapping approach into practice back in South Africa.

The University of Maastricht were amazing hosts and in addition to the course the FARR team were given a taste of what an enchanting place Maastricht truly is. FARR is incredibly grateful to Maastricht University – Governor Kremers Institute and NUFFIC for the opportunity. All the staff members, tutors and fellow course-goers deserve our thanks, and we would like to give a special word of thanks to Prof. Gerjo Kok, Prof. Leopold Curfs and Sylvia Roozen.