Prince Albert Project recent highlights
Vrydag, 13 Maart 2020 was vrolik, gesellig en kleurvol in FARR se kantoor op Leeu-Gamka. ‘n Groep ”ouma’s / versorgers” het die oggend gebruik om hout harte te verf vir ons projek se kliënte op die HMHB© program. Tydens die 2e sessie van hierdie program, kry elke kliënt ‘n hart waarop sy haar naam en later, na die baba se geboorte, ook haar baba se naam kan skryf. Hierdie harte wat aanvanklik ons kantore verfraai, word na afloop van die 9-maande babakliniek, die kliënt se eiendom. Ons is opreg dankbaar vir ons befondser, AWARE.ORG sonder wie die aangename geleentheid nie moontlik sou wees nie.
Thank you to Anglo American Chairman’s Fund for funding which enabled FARR to host a FAStrap course from the 27th to the 31st of January 2020 in Bergville KwaZulu-Natal. It was attended by 31 clients who actively participated and thoroughly enjoyed their experience
2019 Christmas with FARR.
Thank you to all the friends of FARR who helped to create magic.
During Nov 2019, the Clinical Examinations of the 9-month old babies whose mothers were clients of the Healthy Mother Healthy Baby© Programme, took place. A total of 118 babies were examined by Prof D Viljoen